Release Your Potential and Transform Your Impact with Clarity Certification

ICF Continuing Coach Education
Apply now for 2024
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Do you know you could be having more impact, but don’t know how?

You know it. That sense that life’s got something bigger in store for you. That it’s time to take things to a new level and make a bigger difference but you’re not sure exactly how? Whether you’re already working as a transformation professional (e.g. An executive coach, consultant, therapist, trainer) or just have the sense that there’s something calling to you: transformation starts with you (you can’t give what you haven’t got) and it has a structure; a structure you can learn, benefit from and use to make a difference to others.

This programme has shown over 340 people (so far!) how to have a massive impact through a new understanding of the mind.

This gives you the “comfort in your own skin” that lets you navigate life elegantly, plus the self-belief and confidence in your abilities that lets people know you can deliver the goods. This is indispensable whether you want to take your practice to the next level or be more influential in your professional and personal life. In this programme, you’ll be guided through three essential transformations: Grounding (personal), Impact (interpersonal) and Livelihood (commercial).

Enrol on the programme and become a member of the community

The CLARITY Certification Training starts in September 2024 and is a 10-month programme that includes 15 training days. There are 24 places in total via our world-class live-streaming experience (from the comfort of your home or office).

Real Results

Kimberley Hare
Coach, trainer and consultant

'The pay-off? Incredible clarity and a deep and profound feeling of joy, well-being and gratitude.'

Mark Howard, PhD
Therapist and coach

'His knowledge and support have been instrumental in helping me develop my principles-based coaching business...'

Marina Pearson
Number 1 Bestselling Author of Goodbye Mr Ex

'I’ve gone from struggling to make a living, to having my best six months ever! My coaching business is going from strength to strength, and I’m finally running workshops that are filling with ease! Best of all, it’s happened effortlessly, without me even noticing.'

Jon Mason
Coach and chiropractor

'It is a real surprise when I tell the clients that my minimum programme is 6 months, that almost without exception they agree, and the monthly fee is way beyond what I thought I could ever charge.'

Watch video testimonials here

Course Outline and Dates

Part One: GROUNDING – Your Personal Transformation (Modules 1 and 2)

Grounding (aka “mindset”) is the foundation piece, yet it’s often the last place people look. Your grounding is what governs whether or not you’re able to have a massive impact personally and professionally. This means going through your own personal transformation so you can “be the change” in the lives of others.

Part Two: IMPACT - Your Interpersonal Transformation (Modules 3 and 4)

Your impact is what clients pay you for, give you raving testimonials for and what they’ll refer you to their friends and colleagues for. So what has to happen for you to have the kind of deep inner confidence and certainty that you can have a truly transformational impact in your clients’ lives? Simple: You’ve got to be capable of having that impact, and free from the insecurities that get in its way.

Part Three: LEVERAGE - Your Business Transformation (Modules 5 and 6)

Most of us have been trained for a world of jobs, employers and bosses, not the world of exponential opportunity that is quickly emerging. Your business transformation is about taking real control of your livelihood, and moving into a world of abundance through connection and service.

Summer Camp (Module 7)

As you reach the final module of your CLARITY Certification Training journey, it’s a time for consolidation, celebration and your continuing evolution.

  • WELCOME: Registration, welcome and introduction.

  • OVERVIEW: Programme overview, structure and support

  • FOUNDATIONS: How to use the power of the single paradigm and Implication-based Learning to create profound transformation.

  • CONNECTION: How to build deep rapport and "soul-to-soul" connection with individuals and groups.

  • INSIGHT: Harnessing the awesome power of insight and realisation.

  • PERFORMANCE: The principles behind mental clarity and high performance.

  • CERTAINTY: Finding your source of certainty and inspiration for impacting yourself and your clients.

  • CONFIDENCE: Minimising self-doubt and maximising the kind of "quiet confidence" that feels so good and that people find so compelling

  • RELEVANCE: Seeing the role of the principles behind clarity in any and every situation, allowing you to ask highly relevant questions, make salient points, and quickly establish your credibility.

  • RELATIONSHIP: The Clarity Relationship Model: Bring more connection, compassion and clarity into all your relationships.

  • INTUITION: How to navigate by wisdom and intuition to make better decisions, and have greater impact.

  • CLARITY: Identifying and clearing your blind spots, sticking points and stumbling blocks.

  • DIRECTION: Awakening your inner source of leadership and direction, so you can take action and move forward without fear of criticism.

  • RESULTS: The Clarity Results Model: Setting your trajectory for personal transformation.

  • MOTIVATION: Tapping into your innate capacity for resilience, motivation and momentum. My inspiration is this: I want to see you building up momentum over the next few months so that by the time we get to the end of the year, you'll be living in a new world, and feeling great about continuing to build and grow.

  • IMPACT: The Clarity Impact Model: increase your level of impact instantly in any context.

  • LISTENING: Deep listening is like the transformation superhighway, and it's absolutely essential if you want to make profound changes.

  • INTAKE: How to do "intake" with individuals and groups, in personal and business contexts. This is how you find out where a client is, what they need, and how to establish the relevance of what you offer.

  • PRESENCE: Authenticity, transparency and presence... People can feel it when you're in touch with these, and they turn out to be like a "route-finder" for doing profound transformational work with people.

  • SECURITY: You're going to connect deeply with your inner source of security and wellbeing (neediness and insecurity are like static on the radio when it comes to impacting clients).

  • CREDIBILITY: How to talk about the inside-out nature of life in a "business-friendly" way that makes it easy for potential clients to "hear" you, while building your credibility and authority.

  • CREATIVITY: Developing your creative process, the key to working with "nothing on your mind", secure in the knowledge that you'll have what you need when you need it.

  • RESILIENCE: We all have times when we don't know what to do, or the client acts in a way that we feel unprepared for. You'll learn how to keep your bearings in challenging situations, and find them again quickly if you should happen to lose them.

  • ENGAGEMENT: How to share your understanding in a way that truly engages and impacts the people you want to connect with and make a difference to.

  • CALIBRATION: The Clarity Calibration Model, your internal "routefinder" for staying on-track and making progress with your client.

  • EDUCATION: How to identify "windows of teach-ability", the points where your client is particularly open to hearing something new and being impacted by you.

  • SIMPLICITY: There are only two problems your client ever has. As you see this, it simplifies matters, increases your confidence and eliminates burnout and overwhelm, because your work becomes fun, fulfilling and exciting.

  • BREAKTHROUGH: How to identify your client's "ultimate leverage point" for experiencing genuine transformation.

  • SPEAKING: How to speak from a clear mind with individuals and groups, trusting your inner wisdom to guide and direct you.

  • INSTINCT: Unlocking your entrepreneurial instincts.

  • ABUNDANCE: Your freedom of thought around money, wealth and fees.

  • AUDIENCE: How to find well-qualified people to work with (we'll be demystifying and simplifying the whole domain of niching, targeting etc.)

  • VISIBILITY: The key to forming relationships with the people you want to serve.

  • ENGAGEMENT: Awakened marketing, and the keys to sharing your understanding in a way that truly engages and impacts the people you want to connect with, and feels natural, authentic and transparent for you.

  • CONTEXT: How to share what you know in a "business-friendly" way that makes it easy for potentially "difficult" audiences to hear you (e.g. businesses, scientists, academics, family members).

  • VALUE: The Clarity Value Formula, the key to generating value from the impact you have.

  • INFLUENCE: The ethical keys to falling in love with persuasion, enrolment and selling (including how to have stress-free selling conversations that eliminate pressure and discomfort for you AND your client).

  • STRATEGY: The Clarity Strategy Formula for bringing your and your clients' visions to life.

  • MODEL: How to find the business model / practice model that fits you and your lifestyle (including what you need to know in order to conduct "multi-day intensives" with clients). You'll be learning the '6-Client Coaching Model', a practical approach to becoming a high-impact professional and growing a business grounded in trusted advisor relationships.

  • REFERRALS: The number one most reliable, low-cost way to grow your practice / business / client-base.

  • EXPONENTIAL: The mindset you need to capitalise on the exponential acceleration in technology and innovation (and the "exponential psychology" that enables it).

  • EXPERIMENTATION: How to combine your resilience, wisdom and creativity to conduct innovative experiments that allow you to learn and grow fast.

  • PROSPERITY: Extraordinary changes are sweeping the world. You're going to discover why being a "transformation professional" is a great path, and learn the keys to prospering in the transformation economy.

  • CONSOLIDATION: You'll be consolidating and further integrating all that you've learned, and troubleshooting any remaining sticking points.

  • APPRECIATION: It's an an opportunity for reflection on the distance you've travelled, gaining new insights and impact in the process.

  • CONTRIBUTION: You'll identify opportunities to contribute to your community, your field and to humanity.

  • CERTIFICATION: The opportunity to gain a recognised certification as a Clarity Coach or Clarity Practitioner (see 'Certification Criteria' below for details).

  • EVOLUTION: You'll have a new vantage point for looking to the future, as your transformations continue to unfold and emerge.

  • COMMUNITY: You'll also be deepening your connection with a close-knit community of lifelong friends, colleagues and peers to share your journey with.

  • CELEBRATION: Together, we'll be celebrating just how far we've all come, enjoying each other and sharing our visions for the future.

Coaching Confidence and Impact

Philippe, Becky, Marcus and Terri talk about the ways they’ve each transformed their coaching practice through taking part in this programme.

Better Business Performance and Results

Phil, Gary, Marcus and Nikki share the way that taking part in this programme has resulted in: winning more work, dealing easily with stress and overwhelm, and gaining new clarity around business strategy and decision-making.

Connection and Loving Relationships

Terri, Vanessa, Pete and Philippe share their experience of transformation in their relationships with family and loved ones through taking part in the programme.

Real Results

Victoria Green
Coach and Trainer

'I’ve got my confidence and love of life back.'

Phil Lewis
Marketing Strategy Consultant

'It’s helped me to go out and win a lot more work.'

The CLARITY Certification Training has been carefully designed and tested to help you…

  • Develop the kind of deep, embodied grounding that has you feeling comfortable in your own skin as you live and learn from this understanding, every single day. What happens when you imagine becoming one of those people who can deeply impact others, just by their being in your presence?
  • Feel a deep sense of confidence as you share the principles behind clarity in ways that have a massive and profound effect for you and the people you’re here to serve. Are you fascinated with developing that “gentle certainty” that allows you to create the kind of dramatic results that have clients raving about you to their friends and colleagues?
  • Feel great about creating clients as you transition to making your living in the form that is most aligned with your unique gifts, abilities and aspirations. Whether your unique form is building a thriving principles-based practice, leading an organisation, enjoying your current job or developing something yet to be discovered, you’re going to have everything you need to create it.
  • Connect with the inner source of fulfilment, self-belief & unshakeable confidence in your work, as you discover your most authentic expression of yourself (If you’ve ever been inspired to play a much bigger game, and think you just might be ready to go for it, then you’re in the right place!)
  • Get on-track and on-purpose, as part of a community of passionate, like-minded coaches & practitioners working at the leading edge of human development. There’s something incredibly powerful about knowing that you’re able to share something that’s truly transformational.
  • Deeply know that the search is over, and that you’re where you’re exactly meant to be, doing what you’re on this planet to do. Are you ready to experience a genuine transformation, to “step into a new world”?
  • Become a certified Clarity Coach, a pioneering practitioner in this emerging field. You not only have the potential to be one of the most transformational coaches on the planet, but in a powerful position to build a successful practice based on real results.

During the The CLARITY Certification Training, you’re going to be guided through the three transformations you have to go through if you want to have a big impact and be well-rewarded for it: Grounding (personal), Impact (interpersonal) and Livelihood (commercial).

  • Deepen your grounding, so you’re living with a rich, embodied understanding of how your mind works. This is the kind of “comfort in your own skin” that lets you deal gracefully with the ups and downs of life, combined with a clarity of understanding that lets you see how the principles behind clarity are playing out in any situation. (If you’ve met someone who’s so grounded that you get impacted just by being around them, then you can imagine what it would be like to have this kind of clarity for yourself.) Of course, this is the source of the kind of “self-belief” and confidence in your own abilities that lets you (and others) know that you can deliver the goods. It’s an amazing feeling to truly know that you can make a real difference in your clients’ lives, and your grounding is the essential foundation for that. It’s also the basis for the high degrees of creativity, clarity and connection you’re going to be experiencing as you move forward.
  • Share these principles confidently and impactfully with others. Have you ever gone blank and sounded vague when someone asked you “What do you actually do?” or “What is this stuff you’re talking about, anyway?” Many people have been deeply impacted by the inside-out understanding, but don’t have the kind of clarity you need to be able to share it with others. I’m talking about being able to listen to someone, and hear where they’re off-track, zeroing in on the “lynchpin” that will transform them. This is the kind of deep grounding that allows you to come up with a great question, a unique perspective or the perfect metaphor (this is particularly important if you want to share this understanding in business contexts, and with others who may be ‘allergic’ to anything which sounds “new age” or spiritual). When you have the “gentle certainty" that allows you to consistently share these principles in a way that has people transform, the results are incredible.
  • Grow your practice / grow your client base / create what you’re here to create. Many people who aspire to build a coaching, training or consulting practice and really give their gifts to the world struggle with the things you need when it comes to growing your client base. But what would it be like if you could build your client base in a way that fits with who you really are, and feels great to you and your clients? The fact is, your grounding and clarity of understanding are the powerhouse when it comes to creating success in any domain, whether you aspire to build a six-figure coaching practice, create a world-class consultancy, lead a team to new heights, or create something entirely new. In fact, many people don’t know exactly what their purpose or calling is when they first start the programme, but your grounding is the key to allowing your unique path in life to emerge.

Real Results

Shoshana Garfield, PhD

'I am happier than I have ever been, earning more than quadruple what I was earning when I started the course.'

Mamoon Yusuf
International Coach and Speaker

'I’ve experienced a real, profound “I’m-never-going-to-see-life-the-same-ever-again” kind of transformation.'

Vanessa Pringle
Charity CEO

'I’ve fallen in love. It did not occur to me that life could be this good.'

Philippe Bartu

'Halfway through the programme, I signed up 2 clients in one day and earned my entire investment back thanks to the impact this programme has given me.'

This programme is for you if:

  • You have been personally impacted by Jamie Smart’s work or the principles behind it and want to go deeper, continue your own journey of transformation and realise the principles more fully in your life. And/or...
  • You aspire to share this understanding with others in some way (for example to become a successful coach, therapist or trainer) and want to learn how to do this in a way that’s natural, authentic and impactful. Or...
  • You’re an experienced, coach, trainer or consultant looking to bring a deeper understanding of these principles into your work with others, for greater impact on your clients and a more profound experience of your work. Or...
  • You want to bring the benefits of this understanding to your company, organisation or community (E.g. business leaders, managers, teachers, sales people, facilitators, client-facing roles etc). It will be of particular value for people in client-facing or employee-facing roles who want to support the people in that community / organisation.

Here’s just some of what you’re going to be learning, practising and embodying:

  • How to talk about the inside-out nature of life in a "business-friendly" way that makes it easy for potential clients to "hear" you, while building your credibility and authority.
  • How to keep your bearings in challenging situations (and find them again quickly if you should happen to lose them).
  • How to build deep rapport and "soul-to-soul" connection with individuals and groups.
  • How to share your understanding in a way that truly engages and impacts the people you want to connect with and make a difference to.
  • How to do "intake" with individuals and groups, in personal and business contexts. (This is how you find out where a clients is, what they need, and how to establish the relevance of what you offer).
  • How to use the power of Implication-based learning to create profound transformation.
  • Seeing the role of the principles in any situation, allowing you to ask highly relevant questions, make salient points, and establish your credibility.
  • Spotting "windows of teach-ability", the points where your client is particularly open to hearing something new and being impacted by you.
  • What you need to know in order to do "multi-day intensives" with clients.
  • Identifying and clearing your blind spots, sticking points and stumbling blocks.
  • How to speak from a clear mind with individuals and groups, trusting your inner wisdom to guide and direct you.
  • How to navigate by wisdom and enjoy your life more and more.
  • How to identify your client's "Ultimate Leverage Point", the gap between how they think life works and how it actually works (this is the biggest leverage point for helping your client experience genuine transformation).

And much, much more...

Latest feedback from CCT graduates

Enrol now for

Clarity Certification 2024

Programme dates:
1 - 14/15 September 2024 (Virtual, live-stream event)
2 - 09/10 November 2024 (Virtual, live-stream event)
3 - 14/15 December 2024 (Virtual, live-stream event)
4 - 11/12 January 2025 (Virtual, live-stream event)
5 - 08/09 March 2025 (Virtual, live-stream event)
6 - 03/04 May 2025 (Virtual, live-stream event)
7 - 11/12/13 July 2025 (Live in-person in London* or virtual via live-stream)

* If a live, in-person event is viable in London come July 2025, you’ll have the option of joining us in person for the final module. If not, we’ll be holding the entire programme via our state-of-the-art live-streaming facility.

Practice: Structured co-coaching with your colleagues and peers

Clients: Access to specialist materials and training on how to build and grow your client base

Archive: Access to library of materials from all seven modules plus additional unreleased recordings from the Clarity archive

Community: Lifetime access to our exclusive community

Certification: The opportunity to gain a recognised certification as a Clarity Coach or Clarity Practitioner (see 'Certification Criteria' below for details)

Your Clarity Certification Training experience starts the moment you register. As soon as you’ve booked your place, you’ll get instant access to this bonus package worth £13,560:

  • BONUS 1: Instant Access to Clarity for Personal Transformation, an online programme to give you greater clarity and transformational insights in all the main ‘areas’ of life, including work, health, relationships, money and more. As well as making a difference in your own life, this programme will help you see the relevance and applicability of the principles in every aspect of life. This is crucial when it comes to working with others. (Value £695)
Clarity for Personal Transformation
  • BONUS 2: A VIP ticket to our flagship ClarityLive! event. ClarityLive! is a 2-day transformational experience held via our state-of-the-art live-streaming facility - so we’re joined by people from over 30 countries. As well as getting a big increase in your understanding of the principles behind clarity, you can also expect to have insights and realisations that have a transformational impact in your own life. If you’re not able to join us live on the days, you’ll receive the full video and audio recordings of the weekend to watch and listen to whenever you want to. (Value £695)
  • BONUS 3: Instant access to the Clarity Masterclass Library, containing the countless masterclasses I’ve done for previous years’ students with my colleagues, including Cathy Casey, Dr Mark Howard, Jan Chipman, Chip Chipman, Keith Blevens and others. This is only available to Clarity Certification Students. (Value £995)
Clarity Masterclass Library
  • BONUS 4: The ICF Core Competencies From a Principles Perspective. As you may know, Clarity Certification Training is accredited as a Continuous Coach Education provider by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Part of the CCT programme material that was included in our application is a set of learning modules called "The ICF Core Competencies From a Principles Perspective". In this set of 8 modules, we walk you through the ICF's 8 Core Competencies for coaches, from the perspective of the principles behind clarity. Here are the 'core competencies' we explore: Demonstrates Ethical Practice, Embodies a Coaching Mindset, Establishes and Maintains Agreements, Cultivates Trust and Safety, Maintains Presence, Listens Actively, Evokes Awareness, and Facilitates Client Growth. (Value £995)
ICF Competencies
  • BONUS 5 (NEW): Enrolling Clients via Facebook Messenger & Other Messaging Apps. Instant Access to the recordings of the exclusive masterclass: Enrolling Clients Via Facebook Messenger & Other Messaging Apps (it does what it says on the tin). You’ll also get a ticket to attend this exclusive masterclass LIVE the next time I run it. (Value £495)
Enrolling Clients
  • BONUS 6 (NEW): A CCT-only intake of the Thriving Coaches Blueprint. The Thriving Coaches Blueprint is a 12-week programme for coaches, consultants, therapists and other heart-centred professionals who want to make a healthy living by making a massive difference. This 90-day rapid-implementation programme will help you get more clients, increase your income and grow your coaching or therapy practice. This special CCT-only track of the Thriving Coaches Blueprint can fast-track your business growth, and help you implement everything you're learning on CCT. It will take place during the final 3 months of CCT, April through July. (Value £1695)
The Thriving Coaches Blueprint
  • BONUS 7 (NEW): Instant access to the 1:1 Coaching Intensive Unpacked Self-study programme & a ticket to join me next time I run it live. The last time I let people sit in on a 1:1 Intensive was in 2017 when I created the “1:1 Coaching Intensive Unpacked” programme. Here’s the backstory: I ran a 1:1 coaching intensive with a corporate client (Andy) while a group of over 80 coaches, therapists & trainers watched from another room, via live stream. After each session with Andy, I would ‘unpack’ the session for the audience. The response was amazing, and it became one of our most popular self-study programmes, so I’m planning to repeat the whole experiment with a NEW client. We don’t have the dates for the event yet, but you’re going to get instant access to the self-study programme & a ticket for the live event when we run it. (Value £1995)
One-to-one Coaching Intensive
  • BONUS 8: Instant access to the recordings of the 2018/19 Clarity Certification Training. I’ve decided to give students on the 2023-24 Clarity Certification Training (CCT) instant access to the audio and video recordings from the CCT 2018/19 programme. This way, we’re going to have the whole group operating at a more advanced level by the time Septmeber 2023 rolls around. If you choose the payment plan option, you’ll get instant access to Module 1, then get access to one module per month between now and the start of the programme. If you choose the ‘pay in full’ option, you’ll get instant access to the recordings of all 7 modules. (Value £5995)
CCT 2018-19 recordings

You get instant access to this bonus package worth £13,560 the moment you register.

ICF Accredited - Continuous Coaching Education (CCE) Provider

ICF Accredited - Continuous Coaching Education (CCE) Provider

Clarity Certification Training is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as a Continuous Coaching Education (CCE) provider. If you’re already certified as an ICF coach, you’ll earn ICF CCE units when you do Clarity Certification Training.

If you’re not already a certified ICF coach, you can take part in Clarity Certification Training with full confidence that the programme is fully accredited by the ICF as a Continuous Coaching Education provider.

Enrollment for The Clarity Certification Training 2024 is now open.

ICF Continuing Coach Education

There are currently 22 places in the 2024 CLARITY Certification Training. The full price is £12,000 (+ VAT where applicable). But when you book your place by Friday, August 16th until midnight PDT, you get the Super-Earlybird Price and save up to £4,000 when you register now.

Get CCT (pay in full): £8,500 + VAT

Get CCT (payment plan): £9,500 + VAT

The Clarity Certification Training programme is by application only, and the application process includes a ‘Clarity Diagnostic’ which will help you get even clearer on your own priorities (it’ll also help Jamie and our team get a sense of where you are in your journey).
Many people find this process gives them much more clarity about the way forward, the stumbling blocks that have been holding them back and what some possible next steps are.
Once you've completed the Application Form, a member of our team will be in touch with you.

Apply now for 2024
Book a call

Do you have a question or want to find out if the program is right for you? Just book a call with one of our Clarity Course Advisors. All of our advisors are Clarity Certification graduates themselves, and they’ll be happy to walk you through everything you need to know and answer any questions you may have!

Pam Featherstone, Personal Transformation and Business Growth Coach, ActionCOACH, no. 1 Global Coach of the Year

Seven-figure coach Pam describes how the programme has helped her get far more profound shifts with her clients. Plus the unexpected personal shift that occurred the very first weekend and is still delivering very visible results!

“The value it’s given to me personally has been immense, even without the value it’s given to my clients and my business.”

Jeff Shrimpton, Business Coach

Six-figure business coach Jeff Shrimpton describes the way the programme has enabled him to create shifts with clients in minutes, as well the huge transformation in the "emotional rollercoaster" of his life.

"Since I've been on Jamie's course my business has been growing. Because I'm more stable and I'm more centred, the growth that I'm getting is more stable, more sustainable".

Farah Hussain, Psychotherapist

Farah joined the programme as a registered psychotherapist looking to set up her own private practice and earn enough to leave her full time role. She achieved this - but what she didn't anticipate was that the results she was getting with her clients would go through the roof:

"...the core scores were just crazy – I mean, the drop in terms of someone starting off with quite extreme psychological distress and just dropping right back into the normal clinical population. To get that kind of a drop, it was just completely mind-blowing."

Vanessa O'Brien, Nutritional Therapist and Clarity Coach

Vanessa was working as a nutritional therapist doing a little bit of coaching. She wasn't getting to work with clients for as long or as deeply as she wanted, but when she joined the programme that all changed:

"I've found a way to incorporate my nutrition and nutritional therapy with my coaching but working in a much bigger, more holistic way, so that's much more fulfilling for me but also much more impactful for the clients. Financially... I've just charged my biggest amount for a programme, which I never envisaged being able to do."

Innes Henry

Innes was at what he describes as a "watershed" moment in his personal life when he joined the programme:

"Everybody has the capacity to lead and do extraordinary things which they never thought were possible... I'm a much happier person despite going through a series of events which on the surface would appear fairly difficult, but being able to cope with things like that with grace and ease - that's what the program can give you."

Claire Russell, Consultant

Claire joined the programme for personal reasons and found it invaluable in navigating huge life change.

"Literally everything has changed you know, it's completely changed how I view all of my relationships and the depth of connection that I'm experiencing with everybody, particularly the people that I'm closest to."

The Live-Stream Experience

"You can't help thinking you're actually in the room."

Back in 2014, we set out to create a truly extraordinary live-streaming experience for the delegates on our programmes.

Our goal was to create a live-streaming experience that’s every bit as good as being in the room with us in London - and, as you'll see when you watch this video, the results have been phenomenal!

100% Money-back Guarantee

We back The CLARITY Certification Training with a 100% satisfaction, 30-day money-back guarantee. Sign up and start going through the bonus material. If you’re not blown away by the quality of the programme and the difference it’s making to you, we’ll give you your money back. No quibbles, no hassle. And why a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee? Because we want you to have complete security that you can try the programme with absolutely no financial risk to you.

Enrollment for The Clarity Certification Training 2024 is now open.

ICF Continuing Coach Education

There are currently 22 places in the 2024 CLARITY Certification Training. The full price is £12,000 (+ VAT where applicable). But when you book your place by Friday, August 16th until midnight PDT, you get the Super-Earlybird Price and save up to £4,000 when you register now.

Get CCT (pay in full): £8,000 + VAT

Get CCT (payment plan): £9,000 + VAT

The Clarity Certification Training programme is by application only, and the application process includes a ‘Clarity Diagnostic’ which will help you get even clearer on your own priorities (it’ll also help Jamie and our team get a sense of where you are in your journey).
Many people find this process gives them much more clarity about the way forward, the stumbling blocks that have been holding them back and what some possible next steps are.
Once you've completed the Application Form, a member of our team will be in touch with you.

Do you have a question or want to find out if the program is right for you? Just book a call with one of our Clarity Course Advisors. All of our advisors are Clarity Certification graduates themselves, and they’ll be happy to walk you through everything you need to know and answer any questions you may have!